THE FOUNDATION FOR SHAMANIC STUDIES CORE SHAMANISM "After having personally practiced shamanism, shamanic healing, and shamanic journeying for more than half a century, I can say that there is nothing I have encountered in reports of the spiritual experiences of saints, prophets, psychedelic drug experimenters, near death survivors, avatars and other mystics that is not commonly experienced when following classic journey methods using a drum." - Michael Harner, Founder of The Foundation for Shamanic Studies -
Shamanism dates back tens of thousands of years and is often described by anthropologists as humankind's first spiritual practice. Traditionally, shamans use different techniques to cross into non-ordinary reality to gain wisdom and healing for a client or community.
Marcia is a graduate of the 3-Year Program in Advanced Shamanic Healing and Initiations with The Foundation for Shamanic Studies (FSS). She is a Guest Faculty Member for the Foundation for Shamanic Studies, teaching in NC for FSS along with her husband Jack. Marcia provides shamanic healing, soul retrieval therapy, Harner Shamanic Counseling, extraction healing, & shamanic divination work for her clients. Core Shamanism is based on the teachings of medicine men and women from indigenous cultures all over the world. Marcia connects with her own Compassionate Spirit Teachers and Spirit Helpers, and assists you in connecting with your own in order to bring about empowerment, guidance, and healing.