Sponsored by The Foundation for Shamanic Studies Next Offering: COMING AGAIN IN 2023 Class Hours - 9:30 am to 5:30 pm Eastern Time ONLINE LIVE INTERACTIVE TRAINING VIA ZOOM! Description The shamanic worldview underpins the ethical and effective practice of shamanism. Experiential knowledge of this worldview leads to a profound awareness of the sacred nature of our world and an awakening of compassion, resulting in a deep desire to relieve pain and suffering and restore balance and harmony. Using journeying and experiential shamanic methods, in this online workshop you will have the opportunity to personally explore and experience the fundamental aspects of the shaman's worldview: Everything is alive and has spirit; Unity: We are part of, connected with, the totality of nature; Independent spirituality, the shaman as "one who knows;" The implications of these principles related to permission when doing shamanic healing and divination. This experiential online training taught by FSS faculty members is offered via Zoom video conferencing, which is free to individual users. Participants will see and hear each other and interact in pairs and small groups, as well as in the full circle. (All students must participate with audio and video and access the meeting through their own individual device.) Instructions for Zoom and workshop access will be provided by the instructor after registration. The course consists of 7 hours of training.
7 FSS Continuing Education (CE) Credits available. Completion of the entire workshop (7 hours) is required for credit. Electronic recording of audio, video, and images is not permitted during the workshop.
FOR THE MEETING. Please have handy a notebook/pen for notes, a rattle, a drum (optional), and an eye covering (bandana or Mindfold) to block ambient light. Before the workshop, consider a comfortable chair or place to sit or lie down for journeys. Many Zoom users find that headphones or ear buds provide an enhanced listening experience. Please check the battery power on your computer/device; you will need it to last 3.5 hours. DOWNLOAD Zoom participant instructions, including audio/video settings. NOTE: Participants must be able to successfully journey to contact at least one compassionate helping spirit from the Upper or Lower Worlds.
Registration: Tuition of $150 is required to hold your space. Space is limited, so don’t delay in registering! Members of the Circle of the Foundation will receive $10 off tuition for this workshop (please provide member #). Space is limited, so do not wait to register!
Students can register and pay tuition online at this secure Square site by clicking the button below:
For more information on this class, email [email protected]. Tuition can also be paid via Paypal Friends and Family to [email protected]
Marcia and Jack Hebrank are Faculty Members with The Foundation for Shamanic Studies, founded by Dr. Michael Harner. Visit the Foundation for Shamanic Studies website at www.Shamanism.org for more information on this workshop, where you'll find our faculty bios. & FSS information.