**ANNOUNCEMENT** In lieu of our regularly scheduled Monthly Shamanic Circle, we'll be holding a Core Shamanic Community Meeting ONLINE each month, sponsored by The Foundation for Shamanic Studies. This event will be generally be held at 6:30 pm on the FIRST Wednesday evening of the month via Zoom interactive Video Technology. For more info. on how to RSVP and access this free group core shamanic meeting, go to this link: https://www.meetup.com/Earthsong-Core-Shamanic-Journey-Drumming-Circle-of-Durham/events/270482796/ **No experience is necessary in order to attend this event.** This group is supportive in nature so that all in attendance can connect as community and give and receive support during this time of challenge and change on our planet. $5 love offering requested (50% goes to local charity); details on Meetup event page. Bring your rattle, drum, eye cover, and enthusiasm! RSVP to [email protected] or text (919) 423-3623 to participate, or complete RSVP form below.